We have strict protocols in place..
Hi Everybody
We will be re-opening the store for sales and returns as soon as we are allowed to under Alert Level 2. Initially payouts will be limited to $80 per consignor per week as we build up our cash reserves again through sales.
We will have sanitizer for you to use and we ask that you observe social distancing with other customers and staff as much as possible.
We will be regularly wiping down surfaces and staff are doing their best to maintain hygiene through out the store.
If you have received an email prior to the lockdown to pick up any unsold items, we will be sending out another email at the beginning of Alert Level 2, letting you know that you have 2 weeks to collect items before they are disposed of.
We will be catching up on processing returns during Level 2, so if you have not heard from us via email to collect your unsold items, you should hear from us shortly.
We are so looking forward to seeing all our lovely consignors and endeavour to get back up to speed.
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